
- Publications

Project Communication Plan of Cross4all


Further to the “Information and Publicity Guide for Final Beneficiaries” of the INTERREG IPA Cross Border Cooperation Programme CCI 2014 TC 16 I5CB 009, which establishes the conditions and procedures for the notification and disclosure of granting and use of the Programme funds, and for marking of the objects financed by them, all projects are required, in the context of their workplan (in WP2), to prepare and deliver a concise Project Communication Plan.

The Project Communication Plan of Cross4all has been elaborated aiming at guaranteeing that:

  • I&P shall be addressed as an integrated part of the project, well integrated with the project management procedures,
  • a clear pathway, for implementing the I&P strategy laid down, is set and communicated among all project partners,
  • the partners will allocate adequate human and financial resources and will assign responsibilities for proper implementation of their parts foreseen in the I&P,
  • a set of handful tools is foreseen and made available for facilitating all project partners and staff in their efforts to conform effectively and consistently to the I&P requirements when implementing their scheduled/planned communication activities and when preparing ad-hoc activities to seize a good opportunity,
  • the implementation of the I&P strategy will be monitored effectively, throughout the project’s lifecycle,
  • the impact of the Cross4all communication activities will be measured, both at project and partners levels.

Our Plan has been carefully prepared according to the provisions of the “Information and Publicity Guide for Final Beneficiaries” of the Programme. Therefore:

  • It is in English (the official language of the Programme).
  • It is based on the template of Annex III of the I&P Guide and revolves around the communication objectives, the target groups, the communication activities, the indicators of achievements, the human and financial resources and finally, the foreseen timeline.
  • It addresses both mandatory and compulsory communication activities and outputs.
  • It specifies the ways to comply with the Programme I&P regulations.
  • It provides guidance to the partners for ensuring that all their outward-looking activities and outputs will be acknowledging the role of the EU Funds efficiently and consistently.
  • It lays down a detailed plan for the partners producing the means of communication of the project’s objectives, results and achievements.
  • It lays down a detailed plan for the partners promoting the Project to the right audiences, at a national and/ or at a regional level, including for establishing links with other projects and networks.

As part of the Plan, the target audiences are identified, and the communication objectives are specified along with the means (communication channels, tools and techniques) and the resources (financial, human) for their implementation. It forms a detailed timetable of the project’s dissemination activities and finalizes roles and assignments to each Beneficiary. Finally, it specifies the procedures for monitoring and continuous evaluation of the implementation of the I&P strategy. 

The Communication Plan has been developed in close cooperation with the Project Coordinator and Project Partners, aiming all partners to be involved and committed in the communication activities.

In conclusion, this document is addressed to all Cross4all Partners, and all those people who are involved in the implementation of the various parts of the project (staff, external service providers, etc.), and provides answers to key questions, such as:

  • Which project outputs are most relevant for transfer and why?
  • What is the role of communication in our project?
  • What are the expected results of our communication? 
  • What are our main reference points for the communication strategy?
  • Who is involved in planning and delivering our communication?
