The 2nd Project Meeting of the Project was held between Thursday 4th and Friday 5th of October 2018, in Bitola.
PB2 (University of St. Kliment Ohridski – Bitola) was the host partner, and the meetings took place in meeting rooms reserved for the occasion; the first day the meetings took place at the conference room of Hotel Premier (Stiv Naumov 12, 7000 Bitola), while the second day the meetings continued at Hotel Epinal (Marsal Tito bb, 7000 Bitola).
On 26.09.2018, after the meeting dates and location were confirmed with all partners, an official invitation (see attachments) was sent out by the LB1 to all partners, along with the draft agenda of the meeting, a participation form and a PowerPoint template to help the participants prepare their presentations. In particular, all PBs were required to prepare and send in advance a PPT presentation on: (a) their progress and current status per Deliverable of the partner (see JoB), and (b) the planned activities until Month 12 (activities and expected outcomes; time plans; input from other partners needed; risks and issues to be considered).
The meeting was chaired by Prof. Ioanna Chouvarda, on behalf of the LB1. According to all the participants, the 2nd Project Meeting was useful and successful, as all partners were helped in updating and synchronizing their local plans as necessary.
In total, seventeen (17) participants, representing all six (6) Project Beneficiaries, participated in the various sessions of the meeting.